Are you living to your fullest potential? Do you feel restrained by trauma, shame, fear, or past failures? God desires for you to be set free! He has a plan and purpose for your life that is far greater than you could ever imagine.
Fierce & Free is a must-read guidebook for women who desire to live with purpose and impact. Author Kelly Master writes with the authority and power of a woman walking in the freedom and favor of the Lord and is passionate about teaching others to do the same. Sharing vulnerable stories from her own difficult past. Kelly intertwines Biblical truth into power-packed and inspiring lessons.
Grasp your full God-given potential and become Fierce & Free today!
Enjoy this one-minute video spotlighting author
Kelly Master.
Enjoy this 30 second promo trailer.
In Fierce and Free, Kelly Master calls to our core... It's the call to step out of your tethers and discover the "wild." It's our Spirit DNA! We are created to launch, pioneer, soar, and ride the storm. Kelly not only calls, but also shows the way to discover, believe, and embrace the TRUE of you. As you read and see yourself in the pages of this book, you will also see your path to the "more" that is your glorious, untamed future... the path to live Fierce and Free.
-Dr. Michelle Burkett, Director of Patricia King Women in Ministry Network, Michelle Burkett Ministries
Kelly Masters’ passion to see women set free and walk in their God-given freedom is the core message of this book. She shares deeply, honestly and with vulnerability about details of her life that most people would rather not touch and therefore remain unhealed. In doing this, Kelly shows powerfully how God’s purposes for us can be achieved as we step out in faith and believe God for the impossible.
-Kemi Koleoso, Founder of Courage Women’s Conference, Speaker and Pastor at Jubilee Church London, UK.
Definitely one of the most inspiring books I have read. The author used her own stories of brokenness to show how a loving Father can take the very things meant to destroy us and turn it into a story of forgiveness, redemption and hope! This book will be a must have in our counseling center so we can encourage other women with this beautifully written example of God's grace, mercy and love!
-Andrea Hennessee, Founder and Pastoral Counselor Life Focus Center
In Fierce & Free, Kelly Master speaks to the soul of women in a way that will set a burning fire to fulfill life’s dreams and divine purpose. Kelly provides practical steps for women of all ages to explore, acknowledge, accept, and engage in effectuating God’s call on their lives. This masterpiece is an empowering short read full of wisdom, compassion, and biblical truths that will encourage women to excel beyond complacency into a sphere of procurement. As a pastor and psychotherapist, I can’t wait to share this monumental work with my congregants and clients.
-Dr. Tiffany Gilmore, LCSW, M.DIV~
Fierce and Free will ignite your potential and accelerate your heart’s desire for more! Passionate, fiery, and anointed Kelly Master shares her story of transformation from dysfunction, pain, and addiction, to a victorious life only possible through the cross of Christ Jesus! The praise song, “Look What the Lord has Done,” epitomizes Kelly’s story! Let this book awaken and empower you to pursue your purpose and destiny. It’s time to take all limits off! It’s time to be Fierce and Free!!
-Rev. Dr. Jamie Morgan
Mentor to Women in Ministry, Trailblazer Mentorship Network
You were born to WIN! You are a WINNER! You are reading this right now because God has a calling on your life and He wants you to WIN! Through FIERCE & free, Kelly shows you how to do exactly that, WIN! This is a must read if you are truly ready to tap into your fullest potential, become who God created you to be and live a life of purpose and impact! Kelly's powerful story along with her unmatched wisdom will inspire, motivate, and empower you to live a life of freedom! This brilliant book is way more than just a book, it is a roadmap, inspired by God, on exactly what you can do to take your life to the next level, how to ignite your potential, to live FIERCE so that you can live a life of freedom! Read it! Do what Kelly says to do and you will WIN! Go WIN WINNER!
-Jonathan Conneely "Coach JC" Performance Coach, Motivational Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, & Founder of The Win All Day Movement
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